Cindy Rose Guzman

Cindy Guzman is a Full Stack Engineer at, a company that uses machine learning to help users clean up their emails. She joined the company in July 2023, after graduating from App Academy, where she completed the Advanced Software Engineering Immersive Program and obtained the Software Engineering Track certification.

Cindy has a background in psychology and sales, where she gained valuable skills in leadership, communication, problem-solving, project management, critical thinking, and adaptability. She transitioned to software engineering in 2022, and since then, she has built projects using MERN and PERN stacks. She is passionate about creating user-friendly and data-driven web applications, and she is eager to learn more about supporting open source codebases and developing her skills in effective data management and code organization. In her current role, she contributes to both the front-end and back-end development of the company's products, working with React, Node.js, and LLM technologies. She is looking for opportunities to grow her tech stack and collaborate with other engineers in a fast-paced and innovative environment.

Work Experience

Full Stack Software Engineer | Phoenix, AZ | July 2023 - Current
  • Built a dynamic full-stack web application for an early-stage AI startup, where I implemented efficient backend and frontend architecture.
  • Provided detailed progress reports on testing activities at daily stand-ups, ensuring potential impediments were addressed promptly.
  • Worked on API and Web Service Testing using Postman for REST protocols.
  • Implemented security measures using PassportJS for user data protection.
  • Boosted team productivity by introducing Git for version control, streamlining coding reviews.

Senior Wireline Account Manager

T-Mobile for Business | Seattle, WA | April 2020 - November 2021
  • Managed Fortune 1000 accounts, solving problems that address business needs for SaaS, IoT, Network, Productivity, and Security services.
  • Achieved new logo wins, which totaled $2.2 million.

Wireline Account Manager

Sprint, Corporation | Overland Park, KS | July 2017- April 2020
  • Provided account management for mid-sized businesses, generating $12 million in renewals.
  • Thrived in both remote and office environments, situational adaptability in diverse work settings while maintaining cross-collaboration.

Internship Experience

Digital Corps Hackathon Developer

Out in Tech | Los Angeles, CA | December 2023
  • Developed a website for a stealth LGBTQ+ non-profit in Nigeria.
  • Built the non-profit blog and contact pages, as I was highly motivated to establish credibility for the non-profit.
  • Delivered a reputable browser-based tool, built with CSS and WordPress, resulting in the organization’s first website.

Software Developer Internship

OnRun | San Francisco, CA | March 2023 - June 2023
  • Researched and compiled data for the app's database, optimizing data integration.
  • Optimized data integration by converting a compiled spreadsheet and running group photos into JSON format using Firebase.
  • Adapted to changes in project scope, demonstrating flexibility, verbal communication, and organizational skills in a fast-paced environment.



Website | Source Code December 2022
  • Built a highly responsive front-end using React and CSS with a web design that replicates the Sephora user experience.
  • Utilized object-oriented programming language Python, SQL, and Flask for efficient backend architecture.
  • Implemented users models that enable a persistent shopping cart across multiple devices.
  • Built on a micro-service architecture, implements user authentication, inventory management, product reviews, and order processing.


Website|Source Code November 2022
  • Led a team of four programmers to create a Discord-like web application within one week, working collaboratively across features.
  • Micro-service approach to handle user authentication, server channel newsfeed, and instant messaging.
  • Exposure to source code version control, utilizing Git for managing and tracking changes in the codebase.


Website | Source Code October 2022
  • First React-based web application developed, using AirBnB as inspiration, ensuring a friendly user experience.
  • Applied Node.js logic to establish custom validators within Sequelize model definitions for a self-designed database.
  • Utilizes different micro-services to handle different aspects of the platform, such as property listings, user authentication, and property reviews.


App Academy


Software Engineering Program

Arizona State University

New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Psychology

Santa Monica College

Liberal Arts

Associates of Social & Behavioral Science


















Object Oriented Design
